As we face the holidaze, for many of us, there isn’t much of a need for new “stuff” from friends and family. What is priceless are experiences and insights. And, it might be especially challenging for a husband, wife, or partner to provide the insights they feel their partner could use. I have a few introductory retirement/life planning/transition coaching packages that make for a good gift. And, if they are not utilized by the recipient in six months, I’ll refund your money!
Retirement Awareness Package – Depending on the client, I use a number of assessment tools to help clients discover insights and add clarity to future directions. Retirement Options™ assessments tools are only available through certified coaches. Understand your readiness to retire, along with calling attention to the six core life arenas. Take the assessment and receive the Profile Report, two coaching/interpretation sessions, and the PDF book, What Color is Your Retirement . $195. Assessment/results and two sessions for interpretation for increased awareness.
Retirement Awareness To Action Plan Package – Includes everything in the Retirement Awareness Package plus three additional sessions that leads to an action plan for the next year. We’ll start with the six core life arenas, then help clients prioritize areas of focus leading to the creation of an action plan. $595. Assessment, results and 5 sessions resulting in an action plan.
Making It Through the Transition – Understand the stages of a life transition and how to make it through to the other side. Change can be hard and challenge how we feel about ourselves. Coaching sessions support a client in identifying what stage of transition they are in, thinking patterns that may have been triggered and the actions needed to land in a new place of possibility. $495. Four sessions. Includes reading materials.
Also, a reminder to take my free What’s Next Assessment (done in about 3 minutes). Get automatic and customized results with valuable insights and resources for later life/retirement.