
What's Next Retirement Seminars and Individual Coaching

Individual Coaching and online seminars provide businesses and community groups with numerous and convenient ways to help participants explore their next chapter with validated assessment tools, peer engagement and individual coaching.

Article:  Helping Employees Decide When It's Best To Retire...

With older workers there are ways to help them explore when it's a good time for them to retire.  This short article from The Balance Careers highlights what's OK to say when engaging older workers on the "big question."

My assessments (see below), help employees better understand their level of readiness to retire - and often helps reduce anxiety.  Reed is a certified Retirement Options Coach who administers the assessment and debrief for employees close to retiring.  Read more below.


Reed uses a number of exclusive assessment tools to help clients discover insights and add clarity to future directions.  The Retirement Readiness Assessment (RRAP) Package ($165) includes a follow up coaching session to clarify possible next steps.  The RRAP assessment is comprehensive – providing a 40+ page report including wellbeing category scores in 10 areas, suggested strategies in each category, key questions to consider, and book/article suggestions.  The report, combined with the coaching session helps clients set their bearings for needed next steps.  See a sample of the assessment tool.

What's Next Explorer Course

This five-week live video program provides a cost-effective way for a group of participants to learn about midlife transitions. It is facilitated by What's Next principal, Reed Dewey. Participants take the Retirement Readiness Assessment (RRAP) and learn what their results mean, along with having access to over 15 key documents and tools. The course includes one individual coaching session in addition to the five week seminar. Participants learn from each other, explore numerous topics and end with a supportive peer community and actionable transition plan.

Presentation: Living the Life You Want*                    * But were afraid to ask for!

Geared for community/civic groups. Reed provides an engaging and fun introductory 20-30 minute presentation on midlife transitions for employees and/or members of companies, government, clubs, and faith communities. Contact Reed to learn more.

Contact Reed for more details and pricing for individual and group seminars.

Get Started and Schedule Your Appointment Now

Call to set up your appointment now and get your free consultation from Reed regarding midlife, retirement, and your future.