
We All Need a Reset – Sometimes…

Thanks to so many of you who responded to my open letter to President Biden offering to provide him with coaching to explore his future plans. Looks like I got through. Now a few thoughts about having a reset. Joe, are you out there? Any of us can have a reset anytime we choose. Every day can …

We All Need a Reset – Sometimes… Read More »

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old, elderly, beach

A Life Reset? Take a Trip!

I wondered if it was possible to have a life reset, so I headed solo to an ashram in the Bahamas a few weeks ago to find out. My visit was to the Sivananda Ashram in Nassau where I did yoga and meditation each day. There were healthy community meals, like-minded guests/staff and a cooperative …

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Seize The Day!

At 63, I am reminded – and also forget – that every day is a gift. Carpe Diem – seize the day – comes to mind.  For me it means making the most of life in this present moment, not letting the past or the future hold me back. It also means embracing new experiences, …

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Giving the Gift of Insight

As we face the holidaze, for many of us, there isn’t much of a need for new “stuff” from friends and family.  What is priceless are experiences and insights.  And, it might be especially challenging for a husband, wife, or partner to provide the insights they feel their partner could use.  I have a few …

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From Status Quo To Status Go

You may find yourself staying in the same job or life situation even though you have bigger dreams. Below are 7 key life planning tips to move from status quo to status GO!  While transitioning to later life brings opportunity, it also challenges us to step into new ways of being. I’ve also included one of my …

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Five Fall Tips For Moving Ahead

Fall is my time to look ahead and figure out what’s important.  Below are five tips for moving ahead.  But first, below are a few questions I think about for myself: I love working with clients on these kinds of questions – often not easy to answer.  Drop me an email if you’d like to …

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Reed’s Book Recommendations

I’ve read many books on retirement and transitions. Below are the ones that are my favorite. Research shows trying to make a life change based solely on reading self-help books is rarely effective. I help clients take ideas and intentions and convert them into actions and sustained life change. Also download my free What’s Next Mid-Life Planner if you …

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What’s the Point of Purpose?

I’ve seen a lot of discussion recently about having purpose – especially after leaving a main career. Exploring one’s purpose can be a meaningful and enjoyable endeavor. Research in Psychology Today shows having purpose for those 50+ provides many benefits: Promotes your physical health, mental health, and happiness.  Offers a variety of other benefits as …

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women, girlfriends, nature

Don’t Be Alone Outside Your Comfort Zone.

I know for me, most of my personal growth happens when I’m outside my comfort zone. My guess is… the same is true for you. Yet, instinctively our minds and bodies tell us to stay in comfort to reduce risk – yet this can lead to being stuck. If you’re in a life transition, while hard, it’s …

Don’t Be Alone Outside Your Comfort Zone. Read More »

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Utilize Your Strengths!

I recently finished reading the New York Times best seller, Strength to Strength, by Arthur Brooks (2022).   It provides a philosophical way and framework in which to manage the transition from main career to encore career or post career life.  The book posits that while our brains lose raw processing power as we age, we gain …

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Transitioning With Intention

For most of us, it’s challenging to transition to where we want to go.  It often feels like there are many roadblocks and life situations that get in the way.  I’ve certainly avoided and put off what I knew I needed to do – only to realize the actual task or project wasn’t so hard …

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sunrise, seascape, ocean

Three Great Resources for Transitions and Life Planning

In this message I provide three of my more popular publications to access below. Complete my quick assessment to find out how prepared you are for later life. Use my What’s Next Midlife Planner to think ahead. Access my Positivity & Reflection Worksheet to combat negative and distorted thinking. Forward to friends who could benefit. …

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Try This Goal-Setting Worksheet

The change of seasons always feels to me like a reset.  It’s also a time of transitions and adjustments that can be challenging. Brian Tracy, the goal setting guru states: “Your ability to discipline yourself to set clear goals, and then to work toward them every day will do more to guarantee your success than any other …

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COVID: Is A Silver Lining Possible?

Like so many, I got COVID recently. My case was in the normal range – two days of being in bed, sleeping, shivering with a nice headache part of the time. When I was able, I read a bit but didn’t enjoy seeing the recent media stories on long COVID challenges. As I thankfully started feeling better, my …

COVID: Is A Silver Lining Possible? Read More »

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Convert Bad Habits into Good Ones!

We all know bad habits are hard to break. In COVID times we’ve picked up our share of not so great habits – like watching too much TV – or hibernating at home. I’ll share a few ways to break bad habits, start good ones and provide downloadable MsWord worksheets to get you on your …

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7 Tips – Balancing Comfort with Moving Ahead

We all get stuck from time to time – especially during times of transition. There is that vulnerable place – when going through a change. It’s unsettling and uncertain.  We think we’re on the right track but there’s a part of us that wants to stay in the comfort zone – for better or for …

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Does a “Fresh Start” Really Work?

Perhaps it’s time to emerge from the COVID cave! I recently was listening to the podcast Freakonomics on the topic of “fresh starts.” But, are fresh starts an effective way to change? The short answer from my experience is “yes” and “no.” Behavioral scientists talk about the fresh start effect as the human tendency to …

Does a “Fresh Start” Really Work? Read More »

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Break it Down & Turn it Around

Maybe you’re like me – longer term life goals seem far off and not easily attainable. Taking smaller steps and having mini successes has been helpful to me… and for my clients. The farther out one plans, the harder it is to follow through on desired goals/actions. Many of us have a hard time knowing …

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women, girlfriends, nature

Let Family Inform Your Future

Perhaps you’re like me. This time of year triggers introspection about what’s important in life – especially  moving forward. I am passionate about how our generation has the chance to live our later years with even more life satisfaction and meaning than our parents did.   Given this is a “family” time of year, let me …

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nepal, sunrise, mountains

From Status Quo to Status GO!

You may find yourself staying in the same job or life situation even though you have bigger dreams. Below are tips and resources to move from status quo to status GO! While transitioning to later life brings opportunity, it also challenges us to step into new ways of being. I’ve also included one of my …

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4 Tips To Get Unstuck

We’ve all been waiting for COVID to end to get on with life. For me, I put off a number of projects and goals during the last 20 months.  None of us are happy with the “new normal” but life goes on.  Being able to adapt and go with the flow is certainly easier than …

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Time To Take Action?

We’re often too hard on ourselves. We’ve survived these past epic times of isolation, not seeing smiles in public, fear of getting sick and much more.  If you were lucky enough not to endure the loss of a loved one, why has it been hard to snap back now that you’ve been vaccinated?  You might …

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Getting Unstuck – Through Momentum!

I’m stuck when I’m not taking some kind of action.  I keep looking for things to change, but thinking about it isn’t getting me there.  Funny how that happens.  Then, I can go to a place of feeling bad about not doing what I think I want to do.  Most of us have these thoughts …

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water, trees, wilderness

FROM Languishing TO Loving Life!

Here we all are, facing yet another transition – somewhat out of COVID times yet many of us aren’t feeling jazzed about it. A recent New York Times article on languishing went viral and hits the mark for many. In short it means, “I’m OK but not feeling focused or motivated.” You are not alone …

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old, elderly, beach

Book Review – Life Is In The Transitions

If you’re feeling like major changes seem to happen for you every couple years, you’re not alone, according to the book, Life Is In The Transitions by Bruce Feiler. He writes major “life disruptors” – both positive and negative – happen on average every 12-18 months. And, the pace of life changes are happening faster than they used …

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nepal, sunrise, mountains

Three Questions to Ask During Times of Transition…

Sometimes transitions are anticipated – and other times, like with COVID or being let go from a job, they happen suddenly.  In either case, change isn’t easy and often brings up feelings of self-doubt and questioning.  It’s how we respond to the challenges that arise that helps us come out the other side stronger – …

Three Questions to Ask During Times of Transition… Read More »

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Check Out Oprah’s Personality Quiz for Insights

Two thumbs up for Oprah’s very cool personality quiz that I think is totally worth your time to complete – and you don’t have to give your email address to take it – to get the results!  The process of figuring out what’s next in your life is a journey that takes time and insights. …

Check Out Oprah’s Personality Quiz for Insights Read More »

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nature, tree, dawn

A Good Time to Think about the Future…

Maybe the key these days is to think more about the future.  Here the world is, caught up in the horror of covid-19. It’s hard to get away from all the chatter from friends, media social media and even in our own homes. But research suggests that it’s a good idea to think about the …

A Good Time to Think about the Future… Read More »

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There’s A Happiness Curve For Those 50 and Over!

Perhaps you’re familiar with the book, The Happiness Curve by Jonathan Rauch.  It’s a fun read and basically says life gets better starting around age 50.  He writes that as we get older the research shows we shift away from competition and striving for success toward compassion and reframing how we look at life.  We change our …

There’s A Happiness Curve For Those 50 and Over! Read More »

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Ways to Grow, Stay Connected & Get Stuff Done!

The pandemic has certainly forced us all into a major life transition that calls for coping strategies. Here are some ideas I’ve found helpful to adjust to the new normal that you may not have considered: Try new stuff. What hobbies or interests might you explore? You probably are already walking and jogging a lot …

Ways to Grow, Stay Connected & Get Stuff Done! Read More »

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nepal, sunrise, mountains

Could An Encore Career Be In Your Future?

Did you know that American workers are retiring at about the same age as in the 1970s, yet are living longer and healthier lives?  At the same time, defined pension plans are mostly a thing of the past.  And our 401Ks, especially now with the market – bring new uncertainty to our financial future.  For …

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volunteers, hands, tree

Is Volunteering in Your Future?

Clients often come to me initially because they want to figure out what kind of volunteer or paid role they’d like to have after leaving their main career.  While it may sound easy, finding the right business or nonprofit that is a good fit takes time. For example, with nonprofits the opportunities to serve range from …

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Keys to Making the Transition to What’s Next…

We all know family members and friends who seem to step into retirement or major later life challenges with apparent zest and excitement.  But, based on my own experience and working with clients, it’s more common to have fears and limiting beliefs about the future.  Life planning is the antidote to simply reacting to life.  …

Keys to Making the Transition to What’s Next… Read More »

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beach, horizon, nature

From Happiness To Well-Being…

As we go through life transitions what is a good way to look at how we want our life to look like?  For me, as I get older, I think more about how I can live my life as fully as possible, but what does that mean?  I’m reading Martin Seligman’s book Flourish and it’s about this …

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sunset, tree, water

Tips Getting Through the Hard Times

Change is hard enough when we intentionally decide on a career or life change.  If you’d like to see my summary as a video click HERE. When change is forced on us – like losing a job or having to spend countless months on end working from home, it’s even tougher. The well-known Bridges Transition Model …

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Are You on the Learner Path?

We all know Robert Frost’s “Two paths diverged in the wood” poem. He takes the one less traveled. For me it’s been more about being intentional about the path I want to take. To put it positively, when I’ve focused on what I want, more opportunities come my way. Marilee Adam’s book, Change your Questions, Change …

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